Author(s): Bence PÁSZTOR
Source: F. Filip, Zs. Gódány, Š. Gubo, E. Korcsmáros, S. Tóbiás Kosár, T. Zsigmond (eds.): 16th International Conference of J. Selye University. Sections of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics. Conference Proceedings
ISBN: 978-80-8122-509-3
Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia
PY, pages: 2024, 300-308
Published on-line: 2024
Language: hu
Abstract: To get basic information about security is becoming increasingly important in the digital world, especially for secondary school students, who, enter a new phase of their lives, and as a result of that must take on greater independence and responsibility. This publication gives an overview about those essential information security concepts that are needed for secondary school students to recognize and prevent the threats they may face in the online environment. The research introduces some basics of information security concepts to students, such as phishing and the misuse of personal data. Information security knowledge will play a crucial role not only during their secondary school years but later in their professional lives as well, as navigating securely in the digital space is indispensable in the modern world.
Keywords: information security, personal data, secondary school, security concepts, phishing
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