Author(s): Emese BERZSENYI
Title: Részletek a középkor fogyatékosságtörténeti kutatásaihoz: A munka és idő az értelmezésének változásai a 10-14. században
Source: K. Józsa, D. Borbélyová, Y. Orsovics, A. Nagyová, L. Varga, K. Nagy, B. Pukánszky, P. Tóth (eds.): 15th International Conference of J. Selye University. Pedagogical Section. Conference Proceedings
ISBN: 978-80-8122-496-6
Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia
PY, pages: 2024, 195-205
Published on-line: 2024
Language: hu
Abstract: Social teachings are integral to pedagogical research as they profoundly influenced the life of a community. It appears acceptable to consider the notion that the social teachings of an era are the very essence of its culture! My current research forms part of a larger monograph that delves into the history of disability in medieval Europe. This necessitates a historical analysis of the relationship between labour and humanity, examining partici-pation possibilities through the principle of social utility. Only by understanding the char-acteristics of this can we determine potential paths of exclusion and acceptance. It was only in the 13th century that the image began to take shape, one that set European culture on the path of valuing and respecting labour. Consequently, urban life changed, crafts-manship gained esteem, the bourgeoisie grew stronger, and the importance of vocational learning emerged.
Keywords: disability history, Middle Ages, social teachings, work, beggar culture, time, Age of Faith
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