Author(s): Emese JASPER-MAKAY

Title: A páli szótériológia néhány sajátossága és „Krisztus vére” az első századi engesztelésteológia összefüggéseiben a Róm 3,25a vizsgálata alapján

Source: A. Somogyi (ed.): 15th International Conference of J. Selye University. Theological Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-495-9


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2024, 41-51

Published on-line: 2024

Language: hu

Abstract: The Christian idea of Christ as the ultimate sacrifice replacing all animal sacrifices surfices in the soteriological concepts of atonement theology. However, these concepts are far from clear, pointing to dilemmas in the interpretation of the Christ event as early as the first century. In the New Testament, the term „blood of Christ” is a „window” that gives us a glimpse into the process of spiritualization of the sacrificial logic. In this, Paul's theological reflection was influential and set the course for the development of atonement theology in the first century. This paper examines the concise soteriological passage of Romans 3:25a and establishes the contours by which Paul incorporated the logic of sacrifice into his own soteriological perspective, how he related to the concept of "the blood of Christ", and how this influenced the development of Christian atonement doctrine.

Keywords: Soteriology, spiritualization, Christ’s blood, atonement, sacrifice, reiification

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