Author(s): Zsolt KŐMÜVES – Zdeněk CAHA – Zsuzsanna SZEINER – Imrich ANTALÍK - Szilvia MÓDOSNÉ – Dávid SZABÓ – Péter KARÁCSONY – József POÓR


Source: E. Korcsmáros, F. Filip (eds.): 14th International Conference of J. Selye University. Section of Economics, Mathematics and Informatics. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-449-2


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2023, 95-108

Published on-line: 2023

Language: hu

Abstract: Many people thought that, following the coronavirus crisis that occurred two years ago, unemployment would increase significantly and employee turnover would decrease. Apart from a shorter period, the indicated evolution has not occurred yet. Moreover, in many industries and sectors there was a greater labor shortage than before. However, the process of recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and the initial recovery could be over-shadowed by a new crisis triggered by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The war in Europe has had global economic repercussions in the space of six months, culminating in rapidly rising inflation in Europe and an increase in raw material shortages and insecurity. In our article, it will be outlined the first partial results of a multi-year research project. It will be presented the results of an empirical research covering two countries (Czech Re-public and Hungary). In the theoretical part of the article, the main literature overview will be discussed including general development of labor market; general issues of labor retention; key features of the Czech and Hungarian labor markets. Second part of this ar-ticle explains the results of our empirical research conducted in the Czech Republic and Hungary and main conclusions of this research.

Keywords: labor market, labor retention, Czech Republic and Hungary

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