Author(s): Adél MAGYAR


Source: K. Pólya (ed.): 14th International Conference of J. Selye University. Theological Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-448-5


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2023, 33-44

Published on-line: 2023

Language: hu

Abstract: „Faith and Light” is a Catholic spiritual movement with an ecumenical view, founded in 1971 by Marie-Hélene Mathieu, a special education teacher, and philosopher-theologian Jean Vanier. The "Foi et Lumière" community began in Hungary in the 1980s, in connection to the Zugliget Holy Family Parish in Budapest. The members of the ecumenical mission were people with intellectual disabilities, their families and helpers. They set their goal to help people with intellectual disabilities fulfill their role, and find their place in society and the church. And so, Faith and Light represented an interpretation of disability that was not present in Hungary at the time, neither in society, nor in the institutional system that cared for people with intellectual disabilities, nor in the legal system that affected their fate. The importance of assisted independent decision-making, legal equality, and respect for the personality of people with intellectual disabilities were already stated in the 1980 Charter of "Faith and Light ": „…every disabled person is a full person with the same human rights as others. In particular, they have the right to be loved, recognized and respected for their being and decisions…” In my study, I present the first ten years of the movement's history, its formation, and operation in Hungary by analyzing small prints and contemporary documents.

Keywords: Faith and Light, intellectual disability, spiritual movement, special education, rehabilitation model

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