Author(s): SZONTAGH Pál


Source: K. Kéri, K. Józsa, K. Kanczné Nagy. A. Tóth-Bakos, D. Borbélyová, T. Mészáros (eds.): 14th International Conference of J. Selye University. Pedagogical Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-447-8


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2023, 197-206

Published on-line: 2023

Language: hu

Abstract: Nowadays, perhaps more than ever before, in professional and public discourses, the issue of teacher shortage, teacher abandonment, and teacher training is raised more prominently. It is understandable - and to a large extent justified - that the dismal income conditions of the teaching profession are primarily articulated in the wider public as the primary causes of the shortage of teachers. Without disputing the need for an immediate and radical improvement of the issue, below we will attempt to examine some other fac-tors related to the students' perception of the teacher's role and professional motivation in the light of our research conducted by teacher candidates of the Pedagogical Faculty of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary.

Keywords: career motivation, career socialization, professional motivation, teacher training

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