Author(s): Béla ISTÓK


Source: Sz. Simon (ed.): 13th International Conference of J. Selye University. Language and Literacy Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-412-6


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2021, 49-57

Published on-line: 2022

Language: hu

Abstract: This study analyses the linguistic and religious semiotic landscape of the graveyard in Gemerská Panica (in Hungarian: Gömörpanyit). The religious semiotic space of a given area consists of the analysed area´s religious and denominational symbols, as well as of the language elements (epigraphs) closely related to them. Before 1945, Gemerská Panica was inhabited mostly by citizens of Hungarian nationality speaking Hungarian language. However, population transfer after World War II changed the ethnic composition of the village. This study presupposes that the change of the village´s ethnic composition is reflected in the religious semiotic landscape of the graveyard (symbols and epigraphs). Almost all of the epitaphs dated before 1945 are written in Hungarian language. However, during the decades after WWII, epigraphs in Slovak language have become more frequent. The majority of native townspeople of Gemerská Panica belonged to or still belongs to the Evangelical or Reformed denomination. In general, we can found symbols of the Evangelical or less frequently Reformed Church on gravestones from before 1945 (the former are arched, the latter pyramidal). On tombstones after WWII, the cross symbol becomes more frequent, which in our case can be seen as a symbol of Slovak Catholics relocated from Hungary.

Keywords: linguistic landscape, semiotic landscape, religious semiotics, bilingualism, epigraphs, denominations

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