Author(s): VENCZEL-SZAKÓ Tímea - KURÁTH Gabriella - SIPOS Norbert - SZABÓ-BÁLINT Brigitta - JARJABKA Ákos


Source: E. Korcsmáros (ed.): 13th International Conference of J. Selye University. Economics Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-411-9


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2021, 399-409

Published on-line: 2022

Language: hu

Abstract: Working from home during a pandemic has posed great challenges to organizations. In our study, we focus on internal organizational communication. The aim of the study is to present the opinion and satisfaction of the employees in the home office in relation to the changed internal organizational communication, as well as to present the communication tools used in the home office and their satisfaction with them. The methodology of the research was an online questionnaire survey, a total of 231 completed questionnaires were returned. The processing was carried out using mathematical-statistical methods and SPSS software, while ensuring the maximum data security and anonymity expected in online surveys. The dispatch took place via the EvaSys online system licensed by PTE. Criteria for analysis were: gender, age, sector, position. The relationships between the criteria were examined by cross-tabulation analysis - Pearson's χ2 method and Cramer's relationship tightness in-dex. As a result of the research, it can be stated that during the home office, the respondents most often used e-mail-based contact, telephone, and chat-based contact. According to the respondents, the most important thing in terms of communication conditions and aspects was to be informed about everything and to have timely access to all information related to the work. As the perception of the home office was generally positive among the respondents, in those jobs where working from home worked effectively, we recommend the introduction of working from home on a monthly-weekly basis, which can also act as a significant attraction.

Keywords: Home office, COVID-19, internal communication, satisfaction, communication tools

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