Author(s): Anna MOLNÁR – László JÓZSA – Adrienn DERNÓCZY-POLYÁK


Source: E. Korcsmáros (ed.): 13th International Conference of J. Selye University. Economics Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-411-9


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2021, 241-252

Published on-line: 2022

Language: hu

Abstract: The global pandemic of COVID-19 has led to many drastic changes worldwide, not only in the economy, but amongst others, in the structure of people's daily routines as well. Consequences of subsequent lockdowns and their effect on the consumers' grocery purchasing habits and their implications for food retail has had been investigated in our research with a particular focus on regions of South Slovakia (Region Bratislava - Dunajská Streda - Komárno) and West Hungary (Győr – Mo-son - Sopron) in a time period ranging from November 2020 till April 2021. The constructed online questionnaire, chosen for data collection, aimed to identify specific ways in which consumers changed their grocery shopping behaviour during the lockdown (e.g., frequency of shopping trips, time spent in store, the aim of shopping, purchase of ingredients, online shopping). The answers to the online questionnaire underlined the main regional differences and also differences between the two countries. The overall outcome of our research showed the moderate reduction in grocery shopping frequency, minor changes in shopping location and partially increase in online shopping.

Keywords: Changes in consumer behaviour, pandemic, self-isolation, economic uncertainty, online shopping, digital acceleration, at-home alternatives, customer experience, grocery purchasing habits, price, food retail research

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