Author(s): Henrietta CZIBOR


Source: E. Korcsmáros (ed.): 13th International Conference of J. Selye University. Economics Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-411-9


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2021, 81-88

Published on-line: 2022

Language: hu

Abstract: The publication focuses on research into self-discipline as a key factor in success in both everyday life and the world of work. The research aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the lack of self-discipline today. The article presents all the areas of life where the exercise of self-discipline is essential to achieve outstanding success, to become a leader in our own fields, so to be able to perform well above average. The research includes a description of data collection through secondary data to process the topic. The concluding section presents the conclusions drawn by the secondary research. The conclusions reveal the reasons for the lack of self-discipline today, as well as point out that anyone can exercise self-discipline if the individual has the right attitude, in short, persevering and not afraid to act in the long run to achieve success.

Keywords: self-discipline, success, habits, leader, work, money

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