Author(s): Kristián KURCZ, Adrián ŽEMLIČKA
Source: F. Filip, Zs. Gódány, Š. Gubo, E. Korcsmáros, S. Tóbiás Kosár, T. Zsigmond (eds.): 16th International Conference of J. Selye University. Sections of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics. Conference Proceedings
ISBN: 978-80-8122-509-3
Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia
PY, pages: 2024, 181-193
Published on-line: 2024
Language: en
Abstract: n this study, We reviewed the economic impacts of demographic changes in Hungary, focusing on past trends and future challenges. We examined how the long-term development and stability of the Hungarian economy are influenced by changes in the structure and size of the population. Our analysis provided a historical overview of population trends from 1924 to 2024, taking into account the decline in fertility rates, the increase in life expectancy, and the effects of urbanization. We found that the aging population strains the labor market and public finances, while youth emigration worsens the situation. We highlighted how demographic shifts directly affect Hungary's economic growth potential, competitiveness, and social stability, particularly in terms of education, labor market efficiency, and innovation capacity. At the conclusion of the research, We proposed policy measures aimed at mitigating the negative impacts of demographic changes and promoting sustainable economic growth.
Keywords: demographic changes, economic impact, population aging, migration, sustainable growth
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