Author(s): Aranka BOROS, Enikő KORCSMÁROS


Source: F. Filip, Zs. Gódány, Š. Gubo, E. Korcsmáros, S. Tóbiás Kosár, T. Zsigmond (eds.): 16th International Conference of J. Selye University. Sections of the Faculty of Economics and Informatics. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-509-3


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2024, 35-52

Published on-line: 2024

Language: hu

Abstract: n the 21st century, the convergence of sustainable development and service excellence has become a critical focus for organizations striving to maintain competitive advantage in an increasingly conscious market, where long-term success is measured not just by profitability, but by the tangible impact on environmental stewardship and the authentic value delivered to communities. Through a comprehensive analysis of consumer attitudes, expectations, and behaviour patterns, the research identifies similarities and differences between urban and rural residents in their approach to sustainability and service quality, while also revealing strategies that service providers can adopt to integrate sustainability into their operational models without compromising on service standards. While ethical business practices and sustainability are valued by the majority of consumers, rural residents display a stronger preference for these principles. Urban consumers, on the other hand, place greater emphasis on service quality. Both segments are significantly influenced by reference groups and online reviews in shaping their expectations. The findings offer strategic insights for aligning sustainability efforts with service excellence, thereby enhancing competitive advantage.

Keywords: sustainable development, service excellence, consumer expectations, urban-rural differences

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