Author(s): SANDA István Dániel


Source: K. Kéri, K. Józsa, K. Kanczné Nagy. A. Tóth-Bakos, D. Borbélyová, T. Mészáros (eds.): 14th International Conference of J. Selye University. Pedagogical Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-447-8


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2023, 189-196

Published on-line: 2023

Language: hu

Abstract: The digital age has radically reshaped research in the history of education. The research of traditional archival and library sources has been made simpler, faster and more effi-cient than ever before by digitization. Is several cases, such research may not even re-quire personal presence. In our paper, we describe additional opportunities that use IT tools to reconstruct, virtually rebuild and furnish former school buildings that in reality have long since disappeared, been demolished or rebuilt, which are now only hidden in the depths of archives. Furthermore, after importing the files in video format, one can “walk around” the given classroom, school building and the teacher’s flat by rotating it in the virtual space. The paper presents the material of a previous research on the history of school building, supplementing the steps of the “classical” research on the history of education and focus-ing on the new research methodology steps of the digital age, which revolutionize tradi-tional methods as well as offer the opportunity to expand the research in time, space and comparative nature.

Keywords: digital age, research in the history of education, digitization, history of school building, new research methodology

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