Author(s): Csilla NAGYOVÁ


Source: K. Kéri, D. Borbélyová, Š. Gubo. (eds.): 13th International Conference of J. Selye University. Sections of Pedagogy and Informatics. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-413-3


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2021, 115-125

Published on-line: 2022

Language: hu

Abstract: Traditional fine art activities require different tools and materials and their use requires practice. In the online space, these types of activities are infeasible and in several viewponts counter-productive. Getting to know the materials and tools, mastering the different techniques, experiencing their properties requires a physical presence the constant guidance and assistance of the lecturer. Instead, students were able to try out, partly or in full, methods that provide basic materials and digital devices available and accessible to everyone. I summarize the diversity of tasks of the bachelor's students at the Department of Primary and Pre-school Education and the effectiveness of their work with the help of case studies. There are big differences between the tree grades, where we should consider methods of working with students who might be already used to face-to-face teaching and are proficient in using materials and tools, or those, who started first grade online. These different cases require different strategies and solutions. Online distance learning has brought several innovative teaching methods that will be a challenge to adapt in face-to-face teaching. This new experience raises questions as: how is it possible to integrate tasks that require fully or partially digital tools at the seminars?

Keywords: Digital competencies, visuality, online education, visual education

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