Author(s): Diana IGNÁC


Source: E. Korcsmáros (ed.): 13th International Conference of J. Selye University. Economics Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-411-9


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2021, 151-159

Published on-line: 2022

Language: hu

Abstract: The main aim of the study is to represent the employment discrimination between the X and Y generation workers. Furthermore, there are more goals that would like to score on that if we have a general picture about the given issue and also deals with the representators and their qualities why they are in a disadvantaged situation. In the first part of the study we can read about the discrimination in the work area, their types and about the prevention. We can study the basic steps of how can an employee step up, if he feels like he was offended in his workplace. From the research we know that some of the respondents has been discriminated in the work area. The results showed that the discrimination had a certain effect on their attitude towards the work and on their work performance. According to the participants it would be better if the problems would be solved in a better way and everybody has to be treated in an equal way.

Keywords: discrimination, labour market, generations, employees, discrimination in the workplace, incentives, equal opportunity

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