Author(s): Tímea H. TOMESZ


Source: A. Csehiová, A. Tóth-Bakos, I. Szőköl, T. Strédl, M. Nagy. (eds.): 13th International Conference of J. Selye University. Pedagogical Sections. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-409-6


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2021, 95-103

Published on-line: 2022

Language: de

Abstract: Just as in other domains of knowledge acquisition, verbal skills have a key role in sports instruction as well. In the course of preparation as well as during competitions and matches, it is crucial for the efficiency of tactical-strategic discourse that young athletes possess terminological knowledge about their disciplines that is adequate for their age and cognitive development. When the child is in possession of appropriate terminological knowledge, her sport-specific motor skills can be developed in a more targeted way. The goal of my survey was to map the terminological knowledge of children learning to play waterpolo and thereby to explore aspects of terminology acquisition. The paper first discusses changes in terminological vocabulary and touches on general features of sports instruction. Subsequently, it reports on the results of a questionnaire survey, highlighting the main features of how terminology is used in waterpolo instruction.

Keywords: Terminological communication, child language, sports instruction, efficiency, waterpolo

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