Author(s): Sounantha PHAVADEE


Source: I. Szőköl - P. Tóth - K. Horváth - Š. Gubo (eds.): 12th International Conference of J. Selye University. Sections of Pedagogy and Informatics. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-373-0


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2020, 203-210

Published on-line: 2020

Language: en

Abstract: This article aims at reviewing the related literature of metacognition toward the learning performance of students, as well as the models and concepts which scholars commonly choose for the project of a thesis or the journal article for publication. The focusing points in terms of metacognition of the learners are planning, monitoring, and self-regulated learning. The aims of this study is a) to review the concepts and model of metacognition; b) to find out whether metacognition can develop learners’ performance in their learning or not; c) to seek for how is the metacognition can support on problem-solving and critical thinking of the learners; and d) to ascertain on the relationship of the mindfulness and metacognition. In the point of view emphasis in three aspects such as metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive monitoring, and metacognitive control. Moreover, to review how metacognition develops the self-regulated learning of the learners, and there is self-reflection plays a significant role between self-regulated learning and metacognition. Additionally, the review of metacognition in the teacher has been focused on in terms of teacher professionals. In any of the reviewing of the research, a good result in the academic achievement of the students has found after instruction on metacognition.

Keywords: Metacognition, self-regulated learning, problem-solving, critical thinking, self-reflection, mindfulness, teacher professionals
