Author(s): Klára VERESNÉ VALENTINYI – Zsigmond Gábor SZALAY


Source: A. Németh - Y. Orsovics - A. Csehiová - A. Tóth-Bakos (eds.): 12th International Conference of J. Selye University. Pedagogical Sections. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-373-0


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2020, 65-79

Published on-line: 2020

Language: en

Abstract: This research has been the first stage of a comprehensive research into e-learning habits at Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary. In the first part of the research, a case study was used to find out and map the individual needs and difficulties of a foreign student in the e-learning course. In the second part of the research, all graduating correspondence students in the Management and Leadership MSc and Supply Chain Management MA programmes filled in a questionnaire. Eight research questions and two hypotheses were formulated. The answers received to the first two questions indicate that students significantly use computing tools and the Internet to study. They use electronic devices, of which laptops and smart phones are used most of the time to search on the Internet. Consequently, the first hypothesis that foreign students use internet a lot in their academic studies was confirmed. Despite this finding, the answers to questions from 3 to 8 indicate that students use e-learning only to reach the teaching and learning e-content, they continue to prefer traditional ways of learning and resources such as printed materials. Students prefer printed and printer-friendly versions of downloadable electronic materials. The last part of the research found that the slides used by lecturers should be readable, simple, clear, uncluttered and colourful with pictures, and should not contain a lot of information. Our second hypothesis that foreign students learn on the internet interface, was refuted. In the future, the research will be replicated with and extended to other university students at SZIU and younger generations. This article does not discuss the cognitive reasons behind the findings.

Keywords: education management system (EMS), electronic vs. printed e-learning materials, layout of slides, case study, questionnaire
