Author(s): Lenke MAJOR – Elvira KOVÁCS – Valéria PINTÉR KREKITY – Rita HORÁK – Laura KALMÁR


Source: A. Németh - Y. Orsovics - A. Csehiová - A. Tóth-Bakos (eds.): 12th International Conference of J. Selye University. Pedagogical Sections. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-373-0


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2020, 37-51

Published on-line: 2020

Language: hu

Abstract: Analysis of teacher training students’ health behavior The individual’s lifestyle manifests in their everyday activities and actions that may be health preserving, preventive or risk increasing. The actuality of the survey originates from the issue that the majority of previous research focus only a narrow segment of teachers’ or pre-service teachers’ health behavior who teach in primary or secondary schools. In addition, the presence of the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic also motivates us to focus on the frequency of respiratory diseases. The research provides a comparative analysis of the health behavior, physical health and unhealthy habits of teacher training students at the Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty in Subotica, J. Selye University in Komarno (Slovakia) as well as teacher training students of various ethnic majors in Hungary. Research results will contribute to optimize health education and take adequate precautions among university students.

Keywords: physical health, respiratory diseases, the risk of COVID-19, health behavior, addictions
