Author(s): Ágota FEHÉR – Szilvia FODOR
Source: A. Németh - Y. Orsovics - A. Csehiová - A. Tóth-Bakos (eds.): 12th International Conference of J. Selye University. Pedagogical Sections. Conference Proceedings
ISBN: 978-80-8122-373-0
Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia
PY, pages: 2020, 265-281
Published on-line: 2020
Language: hu
Abstract: For each educator, a defining element of his or her vocation is to develop the best skills of the students while enriching the resources of their personality. Research on positive psychology helps educators to fulfill their vocation with important messages, especially to support their belief in the development potential of students based on this, the realization of development. In our work, we focus on the role of positive emotions in learning, with particular reference to social relationships, learning motivation, and emotion regulation. We are looking for the answer to how the emotional world of young people with outstanding cognitive abilities is related to the commitment to the task, the motivational background, and how educators can help them to experience positive feelings at school.
Keywords: positive psychology, positive emotions, positive resonance, learning motivation, personality strengths, talent management