Author(s): Péter TANÍTÓ


Source: 11th International Conference of J. Selye University. Theological Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-332-7


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2019, 179-186

Published on-line: 2019

Language: hu

Abstract: Paul uses apocalyptic elements differently than the synoptic tradition. Some of the researchers say Paul is looking back at the Old Testament because of the analogy between Paul and the Old Testament in the prophet's advertisement. The old aion is not simply a dark time, but the time of the Lord's word. Very important elements in Paul's letters are the resurrection of the dead. To this fact Paul puts great emphasis. First, the dead Christians are attacked and then taken to heaven with those who are still alive (cf. 1 Thess. 4:16). Later he talks about the changes of the living and the overcoming of the hostile powers. The New Testament does not disclose any data about when the end of time comes. At the end of the world, every human being resurrects and will be the last judgment, we have to understand that the eternal life of Christ has a church and cosmic dimension. As long as everyone does not receive or excludes himself from the glory of the resurrected, and the whole cosmos will be new, the resurrection from death is not perfect.

Keywords: Eschatology, end time, Christianity, preaching, end sign

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