Author(s): Štefan ŠROBÁR


Source: 11th International Conference of J. Selye University. Theological Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-332-7


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2019, 157-162

Published on-line: 2019

Language: sk

Abstract: God´s Word – Power and Challenge. For an Israelite, every word is filled with certain energy, creative power, so it can intervene into the sequence of events. The Bible most of all witnesses that the word was a tool or power, through which the world was created and is still recreated and maintained. In addition to this creative word, we can read in the Bible about the God´s word preached to prophets. There is also another use of the term "God´s word" in the New Testament, when the news of Apostles´ is mentioned. But we can also read something else, more ceremonial about the God´s word in the Bible. In the prologue to the Gospel from John we learn that the eternal God´s son, the Word has become flesh, it means that it has become a man and made his dwelling among us and with us in the world as a part of our world, our reality. This is the key message of the Bible; it is the core of what the Bible means by the God´s word. The embodied God´s word is Jesus Christ, our Lord. The Bible itself is not the God´s word, however, it becomes the God´s word, when the God in the Holy Spirit speaks through it or keeps quiet. In fact, it is not the teaching "about the Bible", rather the teaching about the God speaking to Biblical witnesses and the God, who wants to speak to us through their testimony. Through their testimony, but it is always the God himself. The Bible speaks about events that the God says at a given place, but always on Earth to a man. The word comes to people in the fullness of their existence, it comes as an event. Just as the act of the God is the act of salvation and makes history, the God´s word is also the word of salvation.

Keywords: word, power, news, Word embodied, salvation

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