Author(s): Péter RÓBERT


Source: 11th International Conference of J. Selye University. Theological Section. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-332-7


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2019, 123-130

Published on-line: 2019

Language: hu

Abstract: After the lost world war there was a riot followed by a dictatorship of the proletariat modelledon he Soviet Union. When the the revolution collapsed the counter revolution defined the political system in Hungary. All these changes affected the Hungarian Jews strongly. Among the leaders of the revolutions there was a great number of Jewish intellectuals whose participation was highly overrepresented compared to their rate within the population. When the previous system were reconstructed the antisemitism flashed. All of these were reflected in the Jewish press of the era though they tried to favour the power. They welcomed the Council Republic though it pursuited the Jewish religion, as well. The Jewish press referred to this issue when the Council Republic fell. The study cited from the Jewish publications (Equality, Jewish Review, Past and Future) to demonstrate their attitude in this changing and interesting era.

Keywords: Council Republic, Dictatorship of the proletariat, Synagog, "Wakers", Censorship, Counter revolution, White terror

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