Author(s): Erzsébet DRAHOTA-SZABÓ


Source: 11th International Conference of J. Selye University. Section on Language – Culture – Intercultural Relationships. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-331-0


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2019, 33-46

Published on-line: 2019

Language: de

Abstract: The starting point of this paper is that vocabulary development in teaching/learning foreign languages means the teaching/learning of collocations instead of words. Among collocations special attention should be given to set phrases, as these are the basic building blocks of every oral and written text type, and thus the preconditions for text perception and production. The first basic principle in teaching phrases is a systematic approach; the second one being a contrastive approach. In line with this, it is of key importance to discuss equivalence types of phrases in the university training of future German teachers. Contrastive phraseology focuses on phrases without equivalents and functional equivalents. The author argues that the so called approximate equivalents should receive more attention in university training. Hungarian university students rely on their mother tongue when learning foreign languages, which can be utilized in the teaching of approximate equivalents, as the mother tongue transfer in this case results in appropriate foreign language utterances. The systematic discussion of the types of approximate equivalence might help to shed a light on the similarities between cultures and ways of thinking. The aim of contrastive phraseology is twofold: it develops both mother tongue and foreign language competence. It is of considerable importance, as, according to the PISA test, the mother tongue textual competence of Hungarian pupils is not satisfactory. The investigation carried out by the author among Hungarian university students majoring in Hungarian shows that their phraseology competence is incomplete. In addition to showing similarities, it is important to discuss the origin and the etymology of phrases in order to connect linguistic and cultural mediation, and to train teachers of German who can consciously compare and contrast German language and culture and Hungarian language and culture.

Keywords: contrastive phraseology; approximate phraseological equivalence; transfer; linguistic and cultural mediation

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