Author(s): Ĺudmila BENČATOVÁ, Beatrix BUJÁKOVÁ


Source: 11th International Conference of J. Selye University. Section on Language – Culture – Intercultural Relationships. Conference Proceedings

ISBN: 978-80-8122-331-0


Publisher: J. Selye University, Komárno, Slovakia

PY, pages: 2019, 25-28

Published on-line: 2019

Language: sk

Abstract: If a teacher at kindergarten, elementary or secondary school finds out that their student requires special teaching needs, it may result in integration – a student with special needs gets integrated into a regular class. We should keep in mind that integration is possible after some diagnoses carried out by experts working in centers for children with special needs. In our contribution we are dealing with integrated students in Slovak lessons attending elementary school. We have focused on dictation, grammar exercises, communication, expanding vocabulary and reading. According to the research we have recently carried out we claim that working with integrated students is demanding, but every little progress makes teachers, students and parents smile and every small step toward progress means satisfaction and contentment. We dare to claim that every teacher´s goal is to make integrated students feel good in the lesson as well as to eliminate every sign of bullying and to assess their work fairly. Assessment is important because they also need to accept critical view on their work. Besides individual approach it is important to choose such teaching methods which support cooperation between students. Not only dialogical methods might be used but also group work, because within this organizational form the student is non-violently integrated into their classmates and he or she could learn from their classmates and nobody discourages him or her from expressing their opinion. In relation to integrated students it is highly important to use praise as a teaching method. Praise certainly pleases every integrated students in front of the whole class. What is more, praise undoubtedly has widespread motivational power.

Keywords: integrated student, individual approach, lesson, dictation, grammar exercises, assessment, praise

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